A slam ball is a weighted, rubber-coated ball which can be used in a range of exercises to condition and define your muscles.

Though very similar to medicine (med) balls, slam balls have one crucial difference – they have thicker surfaces, making them ideal for high-impact throwing exercises. Med balls, on the other hand, have much thinner rubber, leather or plastic surfaces, so are impractical for intense workouts.

What are the benefits of working out with slam balls?

The medicine ball slam is done for developing power, strength, and speed. It works best for triceps, abdomen, shoulders, calves, back, glutes, quads, etc. This exercise increases heartbeat and burns a good number of calories.

Here are three main benefits to expect from performing them.

1. Total Body Conditioning

The medicine ball slam typically starts from the floor; with a lifter performing a clean movement and transitioning the ball overhead. By increasing the distance the load is moved, the speed, and the force outputs per slam, a lifter will often exhaust high amounts of energy. When done repeatedly, either at maximal or submaximal outputs, this exercise can be a very functional movement to increase work capacity and move throughout a multi-directional range of motion.

2. Multi-Directional Core Training

Ball slams can be done in a variety of angles; whether to the side, front, in an arcing pattern, and more. The ability to contract the hip flexors, abdominals, and obliques through a full range of motion can help to engage and promote explosive and controlled movements throughout the torso. This controlled contractions and force production throughout the core can increase power development and spinal stability while on motion, each vital to strength, power, and sport athletes during loaded and unloaded movements (cleans, snatches, squat, running, contact sports, etc).

3. Enhanced Athleticism

Athletic movement is fluid, forceful, controlled, and has the ability to transfer into a wide array of movement variants in an ever changing environment. The ability to react to stimuli both inside and outside the control of the athlete, engage with the surroundings, and manipulate objects and oneself specific to sport goal or function is at the root of most athletics. When performing medicine ball slams, a lifter must promote force, react to stimuli, and repeat in a fluid manner, much like what is needed throughout fitness and sport.

Are they for everyone?
Slam balls can fit perfectly into your gym plan (though are particularly suited to those who do resistance training). Even if you’re operating a jam-packed fitness schedule, slam balls can get involved – used in place of free weights or incorporated into cardio exercises. In addition, they range from 3 kg to 15 kg, supporting a range of muscle strengths and capabilities.