High intensity interval training or HIIT is defined as short, intense, unsustainable bursts of physical activity, paired with intervals of quick rests. This type of intense training causes a sort of metabolic disturbance which can result in the body burning calories at a higher rate up to 48-72 hours later. HIIT can also increase metabolism, reduce insulin resistance, improve cardiac function, produce faster gains in endurance levels than steady state cardio training and can be an effective way to recruit/build type 2 fast twitch muscle.

his type of training can be done anywhere and usually doesn’t require equipment and may be more efficient in terms of time commitment. This type of training also burns more fat effectively than typical endurance cardio. The body has to heal after this type of training so it is not recommended that you perform HIIT every day – usually it is recommended to perform this type of training a maximum of 1-3 days per week (it’s important to note that more is not better).

This training program involves intense work periods that are performed at 80% to 95% of a person’s estimated maximal heart rate which is the maximum number of times your heart will beat in a minute without overexerting yourself. The recovery periods may last as long as the work periods and are usually performed at a rate of 40% to 50% of a person’s estimated maximal heart rate. The workout involves alternating between the work and recovery periods.

Related: HIIT and strength training are two of the reasons why our programs are so effective: FB30 – 8 Week Fat Loss For Busy People: Lose Weight, Tone Up, Build Lean Muscle

HIIT can be modified for people of all fitness levels and people with various medical conditions including being overweight and people with diabetes. HIIT workouts can be performed using various methods of exercise including bodyweight exercises, strength exercises, cycling, walking, swimming, or running or group fitness classes. HIIT workouts tend to burn more calories than traditional workouts and you can burn more calories during the post-exercise workout period. During the excess post exercise, oxygen consumption or EPOC which is generally about a 2-hour period after an exercise bout where the body is restoring itself to pre-exercise levels and using more energy. HIIT workouts tend to generate about 6-15% more calories burned during the EPOC period which adds to the overall workout energy expenditure.

HIIT workouts are more exhaustive than traditional steady state endurance workouts. A longer recovery period is often needed. If you are going to start HIIT type training workouts it may be beneficial to start with one HIIT training workout per week and then as you feel ready for a greater challenge add a second HIIT workout during the week while still making sure you spread out the workouts and never do them on back to back days.

When developing your own HIIT program you need to consider the duration, intensity and frequency of the work intervals and the recovery intervals.