In response to the challenge facility owners face in creating dedicated functional fitness space, several of the leading fitness technology brands now offer modular training systems that make incorporating functional training easier Such as Brand OMNIA,CONNEXUS, LIFE FITNESS’S SYNRGY 360, QUEENAX,ETC Traditional strength equipment companies Dynamic Fitness & Strength, are also seeing increased demand for modular systems.

There’s no doubt functional fitness is here to stay. From CrossFit to TRX to high- intensity interval training, more exercise programs are taking their cues from functional training, leading to an increased demand for space inside health clubs to accommodate such programming with a range of equipment that can include dumbbells, resistance bands, suspension trainers and squat racks.

Each company offers various styles and sizes based on a facility’s needs, but the basic concept is the same: Freestanding, open structures that can be reconfigured to accommodate a range of equipment, from TRX bands or battle ropes to heavy bags for boxing. Exercisers can also utilize the frame itself to do bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups or assisted push-ups. “There are so many different places that you can attach some kind of accessory to perform an exercise or use the frame itself to perform an exercise,” says Adam Hubbard, director of product management for Precor. “It also allows the unit to be configured for circuit training. That means you can either have one individual or a group of people doing a different exercise, rotating from location to location within the frame.”

This revolutionary piece of functional training equipment provides limitless opportunities to train smarter, better, and more effectively. It is a full-service training nerve center that will allow members to perform a variety of exercises in order to help them excel in their commitment to moving fitness forward.

Our unique SYNRGY 360 concept’s modular design can be customized to best reflect your training programs and objectives, and provide your exercisers with the motivational resources they want and need. Equip your facility with the essentials to support a wide range of training activities.The most auxiliary attachment points and integrated storage available afford you the unique opportunity to create your own SYNERGY 360 experience.

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