If you’re even on this website, chances are you’ve dabbled a little (or a lot) into the wonderful world of CrossFit and are looking for the best CrossFit gear and equipment to suit your needs. If you’re fairly new to CrossFit, you may be wondering “What did I get myself into?” “What was I thinking?” or even “Is CrossFit right for me?”

The short answer to that final question: It depends…on your ego.

The great thing about CrossFit is that it can be scaled based on your individual ability and needs. It’s one of the reasons why the movement has attracted folks from all walks of life: young and old, experienced athlete to novice.

If you want CrossFit to work for you, you need patience and realistic expectations. Don’t expect to go into a CrossFit WOD and crush it Rx every time.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve run marathons or are a pro at kickboxing. Your athletic history doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to walk into a gym and back squat 350 lbs or do 40 toes to bar unbroken. Nor should you aim to do these things the first time you walk into a CrossFit box.

Scale the workouts to your current ability and needs. There’s absolutely no need to go Rx on your first WOD or (first 10o WODs for that matter.) First, it’ll keep your body (and ego) from getting hurt. Second, as you get stronger with certain CrossFit movements, you’ll be able to scale up and challenge yourself safely.

Consequently, your body will thank you in the long run.

If you’re all in, let us help you browse and select the best CrossFit gear and equipment to get you on your way to a healthier, stronger and fitter you.