These valuable pieces of training equipment allow athletes to practice jerking, snatching and cleaning from many different positions, improving their technical skill, strength and adaptability.No professional weightlifting club could exist without jerk blocks and pull boxes. Crossfit Boxes intending to offer their members a convenient environment for intense Oly training should consider a purchase as well. Let’s have a look at their advantages, quality characteristics and how they can be used to improve your lifting.

JERK BLOCKS-Jerk Blocks – also known as jerk boxes – are a great tool for effective and efficient weightlifting session.

They allow for the easy placement of the barbell at chest height. From here the weight can be picked up to the front rack position conveniently – the starting point for the split, push or squat jerk as well as for strict and push presses.

The big advantage in comparison to the usual rig or rag is that the barbell can be dropped back onto the jerk blocks at chest height after the lift. This enables the athlete to complete multiple shoulder to overhead movements, even with heavy weight, without the time consuming and tiring process of lowering the weight in between reps. Perfect preparation for high rep presses in WODs! Also, a failed jerk doesn’t need to be picked up anymore. This comes in especially handy for a jerk weight higher than a 1Rm clean.

Athletes new to jerk blocks might feel slightly cramped at the beginning, and it takes time to get used to being surrounded by the blocks. But a change in habit will have hugely positive results for your performance.

The benefits of using HOLD STRONG jerk blocks:

The barbell only falls down to shoulder height after the lift – perfect for several unbroken heavy jerks
Failed lifts don’t have to be picked up from the ground
Helps to improve your front rack position
Protects the floor
Reduces the noise of dropped weights
Mobile station for shoulders to overhead movements wherever needed in the gym, easy to store when not in use
Multi-functional and can be used for many different exercises e.g. partial overhead squats, dips etc