Alongside the increasing desire in our country to go “green”—environmentally-friendly and ecologically-sustainable—there is an increasing demand in many industries for the materials which can be used to create green products. As a result of many interesting discoveries and positive results from years of experimentation and application, there is an increasing demand for tire rubber that can be used to create recycled rubber products

It has been found that the materials from these discarded tires can be repurposed for use in many products, such as creating rubberized asphalt, landscaping, or producing molded recycled rubber roll products which themselves can be used in a variety of different ways. The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, abbreviated to CalRecycle, With the demand for materials to create recycled elastomer products being at an all-time high, one might expect that CalRecycle will go above and beyond that goal in no time. But just which industries are demanding more tires?

The crumb that is made from discarded tires, there is an increased demand for tire-derived aggregate. It is no wonder that rubber-based materials are in high demand, for the cost of these materials is lower than a large number of its alternatives; despite this lower cost, its performance is enhanced because it carries with it the many beneficial qualities of rubber.

Not only that, but using these materials is desirable for businesses because of the opportunity to market to consumers under the “green” label, a label which has been increasing in appeal in the last few years, and for good reason. Green products are more affordable and less damaging to the environment than their non-green counterparts. Businesses of all sorts are looking to be a part of the mission to create a better future for everyone through the use of their products. Many companies are doing things as simple as introducing recycled rubber sheets into their places of business which can be used as matting for their floor surfacing, creating a safer environment for employees and customers alike. Since the molded product is sliced into a recycled rubber roll, it is a commodity that can be used in an assortment of applications. Especially uses that were previously fulfilled with synthetic and more expensive elastomers.

Perhaps most significant is the demand for tire rubber for the creation of tire-derived fuels. This particular industry has increased the demand for tires not only in US, but worldwide, especially in Asian countries such as Japan and China. This fuel is comparable to petroleum-based alternative. With the movement in the price of coal, TDF’s have actually been cheaper to use than traditional fuel sources.

It is clear that everyone, from the one-person consumer to large corporations, is investigating the use of recycled rubber products. The reduced costs of production, maintenance, and purchase, alongside the contributions which they can make towards achieving a cleaner and more eco-friendly environment, all go towards the increasing appeal in using the materials that can be harnessed from discarded tire rubber across the nation and especially in US.

If you yourself are becoming curious about how to incorporate recycled elastomers into your daily life, you might begin your search by looking up the various applications of recycled rubber sheets, and determine for yourself the ways in which they can fit into your home or your place of business. If you have visited a gym lately, you have stepped on a recycled rubber roll!

Perhaps if we all take first step towards using these products, we can help CalRecycle achieve its goal for tire diversion, while we simultaneously benefit the environment around us, the welfare of our futures, and our own personal finances