As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the world, most people are following official guidance by social distancing, working remotely, and staying at home.With gyms and fitness studios closed, we’re all turning to home workouts in a bid to maintain our strength, stamina, and sanity. There’s only so much you can do with your bodyweight alone, so many people have been rushing to buy anything they can get their hands on: cardio machines, weights, and yoga mats are all selling like hotcakes online.

Based on the optimistic assumption that our current lifestyles are temporary and we will ultimately be able to go back to normality, many of us don’t want to spend a fortune on home workout-equipment — but we want to get something.

With that in mind, Insider asked three top trainers to share their number one home fitness item to invest in. With a few of the items below, you’ll be able to continue gaining strength, burning fat, building muscle, and increasing your health and fitness

  1. Kettlebell. A kettlebell is one of the best items to opt for while working out at home
  2. Dumbbell. We recommends dumbbells because you can do “almost anything” with them
  3. Short-loop resistance band.  Resistance bands are some of the most versatile and affordable pieces of home workout equipment you can buy — plus they’re convenient as they take up next to no space.
  4. Door Suspension trainer Resistance Straps. Resistance is one of the best tools for personal training. That’s why suspension trainers have become so popular, Suspension trainers are one of the most efficient and affordable ways to get yourself in top physical shape.

That’s it for our look at some of the best home gym equipment to help you stay fit while stuck indoors. Now get out there and get healthy!