The best place to buy the crossfit gym equipment in China is FITMUS – Functional Fitness Equipment | Fitness Equipment| Garage Gym Equipment| Crossfit Equipment | Strength conditioning Equipment | Powerlifting Equipment.

FITMUS is a wholesale direct supplier of premium quality fitness equipment, China (Rizhao) supplier of Olympic weightlifting equipment, weights&Bumpers, conditioning equipment, training material,strongman equipment,Body weight & Gymnastic,Speed&Agility&balance,Racks&Rigs and training accessories.FITMUS Crossfit equipment are supply to Boot camp, Cross fit Boxes, Fitness training center, Martial arts,Rehabilitation Center,PT studio, Pilates, Healthy clubs, commercial gyms, schools,Kickboxing,Martial arts facilities,Judo,Karate and more.

Whether you’re just getting started with CrossFit or you’re a seasoned veteran looking to purchase some equipment for CrossFit to create a home gym, one of the top ‘must-do’s to consider right now is taking a bit of time to learn about the various crossfit-optimal equipment options.

In an ideal world, you want to find fitness equipment for CrossFit that isn’t too overly pricey and that will continually keep challenging your body, pushing it up to the next level.

today we’re going to turn our focus over to the other side of things and show you precisely what you need to purchase to design your very own highly-effective home-gym for CrossFit. This will make it easier than ever to maintain your regular crossfit workout routine

So let’s get started and give you the juicy details you want to know.

Home Gyms for CrossFit

First let’s take a peek at what you should purchase to design your home gym. Obviously, you want your best bang for your buck, so you want to focus on the most important and versatile pieces of equipment for CrossFit. Also, remember the core tenant of CrossFit, which is to utilise equipment will allow you to work multiple muscle groups at once.

Olympic Barbell

A garage gym for CrossFit needs to enable you to lift heavy and utilize all the main muscle groups in the body. First up, you need a Crossfit bar and good set of plates.

Bumper Plates

For a premium option, FITMUS bumper plates will be a perfect choice for your workout routine as these are built to last and will provide all the resistance you need to maximize your results. They come in a number of different increments so will easily allow you to progress over time. Alternatively, for a more affordable option check out one of the many bumper plate packages that are on offer. These are a great way to get started

If you’re currently at a higher strength level and can’t quite make the jump up to the next plate, then you can also look into fractional plates, which offer a smaller level of resistance increase.

To go along with your weights, be sure to pick up a high quality bar as well. The Olympic bar will be the sturdiest option and allow you to feel completely confident as you pack more and more weight onto the bar.

pull-up Bar/ Power Rack 

Getting your hands on a power rack will also be a smart move as then you can perform your squats, deadlifts, and even chest presses in this machine. This rack will be ideal for the garage gym for CrossFit. This is particularly important if you want to do heavy back squats , where it would be difficult to clean the weight up to your shoulders to perform the squat exercise correctly.Establish first what exercises you plan to focus on before buying however so that you can ensure you get everything you need. Each one offers a different mix so you’ll need to browse through each individually.

Some examples of the type of fitness equipment for CrossFit they come with include a bar, a set of plates, a set of rings, a set of high collars, a ball for slam balls and wall balls, and in some cases, kettlebells.

This is a much more cost effective method of building a complete garage gym than if you purchase your equipment piece by piece like many other people do.

Kettlebells for CrossFit

So now that we’ve covered the basice of a home gym for CrossFit, let’s cover some of the more fundamental components in more specific detail. No gym would be considered complete without a good set of kettlebells. These are going to earn top marks for helping you improve your speed, power, strength, as well as overall conditioning level, and offer you the option of performing a very wide range of exercise choices.

Kettle bells for crossfit do come in many different weights, so if possible, getting a few weight levels will help maximize your progression.

Rings for CrossFit

The next must-have piece of equipment is a set of rings for CrossFit. Gymnastic based exercises are a huge component of what makes up an effective crossfit workout program, so these are not to be missed out on.

When looking for gymnastic rings for CrossFit, you want to look for rings that are highly durable and have a secure fastening so that you feel completely at ease while using them. Designed to be used with chalk, these rings will give you the ultimate crossfit experience. These are much stronger than plastic rings and will have a superior feel to them, ensuring you don’t slip as you perform your many different exercises.

– Jump Rope and/or Battle Rope

You’ll need a jump rope for your double unders. Everyone should own a jump rope. The nice thing is that everyone can afford a jump rope! Matter of fact, you probably already have one!

-Plyometric Box / Squat Box

Plyo boxes are available in many varieties: wood, metal, adjustable, angled, etc; and heights vary from 12″ to 24″. Use them for box jumps, step ups, or even for box squats. This is another item you can buy practically anywhere.

– Medicine Ball / Slam Ball

Medicine balls have many uses, but mostly they are used for wallballs. They can also be used for cleans, push-ups, weighted core exercises like the plank, or tossing to a friend.

-Weight Bench

While not usually a priority for Crossfit, you should pick up a weight bench at some point. There are numerous things you can do with a bench especially if you own a power rack; bench press comes to mind here. There are also ab workouts that can be done, skull crushers, dumbbell rows, pull overs, seated shoulder press, and the list goes on.

Glute Ham Developer (GHD)

As the name implies, the glute ham developer is a great piece of equipment for developing the glutes, hamstrings, core and lower back.The most common exercises performed on the GHD are the glute ham raises and glute ham sit-ups. It is an amazing piece of equipment that should ultimately be considered for any gym.

Other Suggestions

Concept 2 Rower

Another popular equipment choice for Crossfitters is the Concept 2 Model D Rower. They’ve been around for some time, but ever since they were used in the Crossfit Games, they’ve kind of become a thing.


Parallettes are another small, inexpensive item popular with Crossfitters. You can buy steel versions.

So here you have your guide to designing your own garage gym. If you choose your Crossfit-appropriate equipment carefully, you will feel fully satisfied with the decisions that you’ve made and will set yourself up for much progress down the road.